

  A.I. (ROBOT) VS. LOVING WIFE; ROBOTS SHALL ONLY ASSIST, NOT REPLACE HUMAN BEINGS This video about a man who lives alone with everything fully automated, needing no woman or servant to server him is very meaningful.. or rather ominous. This is about AI o Artificial Intelligence. Robotics. Automation. This must be guided with godly wisdom and love to avoid ending up as love-less o woman-less like that man in the video who lives alone with all his automated robotics gadgets in the house, in his car or boat, etc. I prefer to restore the olden days where a beautiful loving wife serves her man and her kids. No robots can ever replace the woman God created. Robots or machines may be used for heavy works which requires no human interaction, such as grass mowing or washing clothes, etc. Read my refection on the topic: To my dearest wife, Vida: That fully automated man in the video lives very lonely life...He has all the machines